Trolley Buses: Not So Lawless

In Budapest almost anything goes. Almost.

It's a laid back city, with ruin bars, people drinking beers in the street literally at all hours of the day (I've seen dudes on their way to work, 6:45, open beer in hand), and enough dog poop and people puke on the sidewalk for people to step en masse. However, there is one place where a plethora of distinct rules presides: THE TROLLEY BUS.

Phantomly smoked cigarettes have been banned from all trolley buses since the '56 revolution.
Dogs whose noses have just been covered by Spider-Man's web are exempt from all laws and are allowed to board without a ticket.
If you're trying to transport that car door and you're caught: 1 million forint fine. Shit's serious.
Farmers are prohibited from drinking from long-neck bottles while the trolley bus is in motion. Cans are okay.
Single, double, and quadruple ice cream cones are in fact permitted, but three scoops: a definite no-no.
If a dispute over a seat occurs, the only legal way to resolve it is to do that old baseball bat 'hand over hand' game.
Kids and cops alike: please silence your walkie-talkies, it's distracting to the driver.
Runny nose? Don't you dare even think about grabbing for that tissue.

Don't say we never warned you...

-Jacob P.



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